
6th Class

It's February 2025 and some of the Killinarden CLIC members have been taking part in Chess Tournaments around Dublin. (Twitter: @KillinardenCLIC)
Killinarden CLIC members took part in a number of Chess tournaments during February. The tournaments took place in Holy Spirit National School in Greenhills and In Trinity College Dublin's (TUD) Grangegorman Campus. The tournaments were run in conjunction with Ficheall Ireland (Ficheall.ie | Primary Teachers Promoting Chess) and TUD Chess Society. Read below to see how the children got on. 

My name is Ava and on Thursday the 27th of February 2025 Me and a few of my classmates went to TU Dublin Chess Tournament. There was 6 primary schools and 5 players per team. The schools were Stanhope, Brunner, Sacred Heart, Christ The King boys ,Christ The King Girls, Paradise Place. We left the the school at 9.30 and we arrived at the collage at 10.15. When we arrived, they were very welcoming and they had a little table with muffins and little sweets. They had a system with the points of each school and player. The tournament timetable 10:00-10:20: welcome players, reintroduction to clocks.10:20-10:30: Arbiter introduction everyone finds their boards. 10:30-11:00: First round 11:05-11:35: second round.11:35-12:00: lunch break. 12:00-12:30: third round.12:30-1:00: fourth round. 1:00-1:15: short break. 1:15-1:45: fifth round.1:45-2:00: Casual games/Puzzles.2:00-2:15 Awards ceremony, prize giving. It was a great day thanks to all the people that invited us and helped especially Ms. Jenkins thanks for putting up with us and buying us cookies and vitamin drinks (and especially for putting up with Josh and his McDonalds obsession)

My name is Saoirse, a few of my class mates and I went to a chess tournament in Grange Gorman at TU Dublin. When we first arrived they, were very welcoming they had a snack table with muffins and little cupcakes. There were 6 schools including us, Stanhope Brunner Christ The Kings Boys and Christ The King Girls. The way it was set up so one person from each school would go against another person from another school. There were 5 pupils from each school so there were 5 rounds. After our games and lunch breaks we had an award ceremony and we got a certificate each. Thanks Ms Jenkins for putting up with us :)  (Especially Josh)

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Welcome to 6th Class 2024-2025! Our teachers this year are Ms Byrne & Mr Finnerty.
It's September '24 and we've already had a learning workshop in 6th class. Think Big Space, located beside the Luas stop next to South Dublin Library, visited our school to give us a Lego Coding Workshop. Read the presentation by Carmel & Faith below to see how it went. 
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In 6th class this year the children will be taking part in Fitness Mondays. Check out our video to see some of the activity stations. Tristan & Olivia also wrote a piece about what happens. Check it out below.

Fitness Mondays                                                                                                                                

The 6th class pupils do Fitness Mondays. It’s a nice activity to do on Mondays because we do four activities like, jumping over obstacles and pushing tyres. Everyone works in teams to complete the challenges. It’s not a competition and it is very enjoyable. Some obstacles are hard. They are fun but we are all very resilient.  Each station is different, we did the pushing tyres challenge, jumping over the obstacles, going through hula hoops and throwing rings in the hula hoops. They are all very enjoyable but my favourite is the tyre pushing one and Olivia likes the jumping one. Mr. Finnerty was the one who set it all up so we are grateful for that. Fitness Monday is a good activity because you can do exercises every single Monday apart from when it rains. Fitness Monday keeps you energetic, alive and active. It’s a nice way to keep you fit and healthy. I really like Fitness Mondays and I hope you like it too. Tristan & Olivia. Sept 2024

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Junior Achiever's Ireland


As part of the Junior Achiever's Ireland, Ms. Golding's 6th Class got to visit Yahoo offices in Dublin. Isabella and Tadhg wrote the following recount of the day:

On Wednesday, we had a school trip to Yahoo we got the bus down and when we got there, we had to line up so we could get up safely. We got the elevators up and we got to see the docks from the elevator. We went into the board room and we met all the staff and they told us why they joined Yahoo and when they started and they did presentations. Then we were put into groups to do a quiz and we had to look for posters with the answers on it. Then after that the staff took us to get ice cream and it was delicious.

Then we went into a board room with walls u can draw on with some of the staff and we had to make a company that would make money and be successful. When we were finished our project, we went back to the board room and presented our ideas to everyone.

For lunch, we went out and we got pizza and we got to play games like FIFA, pool, foosball. There was also a little area with pillows and bean bags and it had a little slide going through it and everyone was sliding down it. When our time was up, we went back down the elevator and back on the bus to travel back to school. When we got back to school, we had about 20 minutes left of school so we played inside for a while then we went out and did some P.E. Then we went home and two days later we had another trip. 



The children learn about the wonders of science and space.
Niamh Shaw, Engineer, scientist, actress, writer and space enthusiast, visited Sacred Heart SNS on Monday the 24th of October. (Niamh Shaw- STEAM Artist | Presenter | Communicator | Curious.Always) She spoke with 6th class about her path to becoming a space communicator and working with NASA and The European Space Agency. Afterwards Niamh helped the children design and build a foam space rocket. The children tested them out in the school yard. 3rd class's rocket travelled the furthest. Well done Team 3rd class! 
Abbie Deans and Tillie Wynne from Ms Jenkins class wrote about Niamh's visit. Please continue to read their recount below.

On Monday Niamh Shaw came into sixth class Sacred heart SNS. So, she came in to us and told us about rockets and how they work and showed us some pictures. After that we had lunch and when we done with that. Niamh went to other classes and told them about rockets and space like she did us. Then we went down to the P.E hall and we constructed Rocket ships it was very exciting to do. When we finished we all went outside to the yard and we let the rockets fly it was super cool and we were all thrilled with the rockets and that Niamh Shaw came into our school and we took some pictures and videos but by the time we had to go home we were all sad but still playing with our rockets then we said goodbye to Niamh she done the same. She also said she had an amazing time and that she might come back to our school in January. Then we went home and we told the people at home about our day and how amazing it was. Before we went home we all gave a round of applause to Ms Jenkins for getting Niamh here just for us.


It has been a great year in 6th Class. We have worked hard and are preparing for our big move to secondary school.

We were involved in a very special project with Ms Gleeson and launched a cookery book in May.

We went on a school trip to Glendalough on the 19th of May , it was a fantastic trip.

We celebrated our Confirmation on the 26th of May.

We are very excited about our upcoming school tour to Tayto Park and for our Girls GAA Blitz!

At the end of June we will graduate from primary school and move on to make new memories.

Some 6th Class Work